Chapter Nineteen

Janaka said:

1.  From the inner recesses of my heart I have erased all shades of opinion through the instrumentality of the Knowledge of Truth.

2.  Abiding in my glory, I see neither Dharma, Kama nor Artha – discrimination, duality, nor non-duality.

3.  Abiding in my own glory, where is past, present, future, space, or eternity for me?

4.  Abiding in the bliss of realization, I have no consciousness either of Self or non-self, good or evil, hope or fear.

5.  Free from the waking, dreaming and deep-sleep states, for me who abide in my own glory, even the fourth state does not exist.  How can there then be fear?

6.  Established in the supreme state, where is distance, where is proximity, where is grossness, where is subtlety, where is the external, where is the internal for me?

7.  Resting in my own effulgence, neither life nor death exist for me.  For me, there is no relativity nor worldly phenomena, no withdrawal, nor Samadhi.

8.  Reposing in my own Self, what need have I to dwell on the three ends of life, or on Yoga, or on wisdom?